Wednesday, 5 March 2008

Appeal for aid - 5 March

Hurricanes Ivan and Fame have violently hit Madagascar. USD 36.5 million dollars are needed for reconstruction.
"At the moment, only 6 million are available. The rest is not yet covered, "said yesterday at Pano-rama, Jean Marie Stratigos, emergency coordinator in the UN. He presented the document Flash Appeal.

"This document is a mobilization of funds to support the acceleration of research funds for post-hurricane reconstruction," says Ka-mara Amadou, representative of FAO. "The priorities concerning food security and nutrition as 200000 people are in need of immediate assistance," said the representative. Then comes the drinking water sector which more than 5 million are needed, and the prevention of epidemics and the health sector. "Madagascar can only congratulate the United Nations for this support," said General Marcel Ranjeva, Minister of Foreign Affairs. Currently, the stock of the two hurricanes reported 96 deaths across the island and over 200000 affected.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

interesting story Guido! thanks!